The Happy Menopause
Join award-winning nutritionist and author Jackie Lynch as she takes you on a journey through midlife to learn how diet and lifestyle can help you take control of your menopause symptoms.
Each month Jackie covers a different topic, from managing hot flushes or dealing with anxiety to intimate health and strong bones. She'll introduce you to some fascinating guests who can offer expert advice on managing midlife hormonal changes and challenges, so that you truly can have a happy menopause.
Find out more about the podcast and Jackie's work by visiting well-well-well.co.uk or follow on Facebook, Instagram or X at @WellWellWellUK.
103 episodes
The Courage to Change: A Midlife Vineyard Dream with Sally Evans, Winery Owner & Author. S6. Ep. 13.
Do you have a dream? I bet you do - most of us do! But do you dare to make it happen? It’s easy to feel stuck at this stage of life and wonder, Is this it? The truth is, it’s never too late to make a change, whether big or small.
Season 12
Episode 13

The Power of Strength – Staying Physically Strong in Menopause & Beyond with Women’s Health Physiotherapist, Christien Bird. S6. Ep 12.
In this episode, we’re talking about strength - not weight, not size, but pure, functional strength. Because let’s be honest, we can spend way too much time worrying about one and not nearly enough about the other!Strength is vital at an...
Season 6
Episode 12

Metabolism & Menopause – How to Achieve Sustainable Weight Loss with Petronella Ravenshear, Nutritionist & Author. S6. Ep11
Weight loss can feel like an uphill battle for us midlife women. What worked before no longer seems effective, and that’s often due to a slowing metabolism. Years of yoyo dieting may have played a role, but this shift is also a natural part of ...
Season 6
Episode 11

Christmas Nutrition Tips : Your Guide to a Balanced Festive Season with Jackie Lynch, Nutritionist & Author. S6. Ep 10.
Feeling a little apprehensive about the festive season? It’s not just one day, is it? The celebrations seem to start in early December and go on... and on. Your calendar fills up fast – often with events you’re not even excited about!And...
Season 6
Episode 10

Pause, Stretch, Breathe: 2-Minute Yoga Tips for a Calmer Christmas with Libby Stevenson, Menopause Yoga Specialist. S6. Ep. 9.
The build-up to Christmas can be hectic and stressful, and the thought of carving out a full hour for a yoga class (or any workout) when there’s so much to do can just add to the pressure. This is the 2nd in my 3-part series to help...
Season 6
Episode 9

The Overworked Woman's Guide to a Stress-Free Christmas with Jess Baker, Chartered Psychologist. S6. Ep. 8.
Christmas can be a lot of fun and create some wonderful memories. But let’s face it, all that festive joy doesn’t happen by accident. Behind the scenes, pulling all the strings and juggling all the plates, there’s usually a woman making the mag...
Season 6
Episode 8

Alcohol & the Menopause: Drink Less, Live Better! With Sarah Williamson, Coach & Author. S6. Ep 7
For many of us, alcohol is woven into our lives, whether it’s a glass of wine at dinner or a night out with friends. It provides the backdrop to most big occasions, both happy and sad. But how does it affect us during menopaus...
Season 6
Episode 7

My Top 10 Menopause-Friendly Foods with Jackie Lynch, Menopause Nutritionist & Author. S6. Ep 6.
This is a special episode which shines a spotlight on nutrition to celebrate World Menopause Day, It’s actually a re-release of one of my most popular episodes, which I thought you might like to discover or rediscover, because it’s packed with ...
Season 6
Episode 6

HRT: Addressing 12 Key Questions & Myths with Kathy Abernethy, BMS Menopause Specialist. S6. Ep 5.
HRT (or MHT) isn’t natural territory for The Happy Menopause podcast, but as it’s the theme for this year’s World Menopause Day, I thought it would be remiss of me not to cover it.HRT has become a pretty contentious issue in recent years...
Season 6
Episode 5

Aromatherapy to Support Menopause Symptoms with Amy Anthony, Certified Aromatherapist – S6 Ep. 4.
Aromatherapy is much more complex than just lighting a scented candle. The essential oils of flowers, plants, wood, nuts or seeds can have a powerful effect on the body. In this episode, we explore how aromatherapy might support us in midlife, ...
Season 6
Episode 4

NEWS! Introducing The Happy Menopause Club
Tune into this short message for some VERY exciting news. I’m going to introduce you to The Happy Menopause Club, which is where all the cool midlife women hang out! There’s loads of great content on there for you that I...

Healing Herbs for the Menopause with Hannah Charman, Medical Herbalist – S6. Ep 3.
Medicinal herbs have been used for centuries to support our health and wellbeing. In fact, some Chinese and Egyptian texts about the use of herbs date back to 3000BC. In this episode I explore the role of herbs in menopause, and how to introduc...
Season 6
Episode 3

Moods & Menopause: Managing PMDD in Perimenopause with Dr Lynsay Matthews, Lecturer and PMDD Researcher – S6. Ep 2.
Premenstrual disorders can make life incredibly miserable. Any woman who’s struggled with PMS will know that, and I covered that specific issue in the closing episode to Season 5. This episode is a follow-on from that, as I drill down into PMDD...
Season 6
Episode 2

Efficient Fitness for Busy Women with Cara Metz, Midlife Fitness Expert – S6. Ep 1.
September is a good time for new beginnings, so if you’re thinking about how to build up your strength and fitness if you’ve let things slide a bit this summer, this is the episode for you. In this episode I chat to the brilliant Ca...
Season 6
Episode 1

PMS and the Perimenopause, with Jackie Lynch, Menopause Nutritionist & Author. S5. Ep 16.
You know when it’s coming don’t you? That time of the month, when people start to tiptoe around you and discretion is definitely the better part of valour amongst your loved ones. Woe betide the fool that dares to suggest you’re a little hormon...
Season 5
Episode 16

Beating Brain Fog with Dr Sabina Brenna, Neuroscientist & Psychologist - Best Bits #6
Do you ever wonder what you came upstairs for, forget where you’ve parked the car or find yourself grappling for the right word that just won’t come? These are all common concerns for women in midlife because brain fog is one of the classic sym...

Sleepless: How to Cope with Insomnia, with Annabel Abbs, Author & Researcher. S5. Ep 15
Chronic insomnia can be very stressful – not only are you feeling tired and worried about how you’ll cope the next day, but you’re probably also worrying about all those stories you’ve heard about the potential long-term health impact of not sl...
Season 5
Episode 15

Dealing With Vaginal Dryness, with Kathy Abernethy, Menopause Specialist - Best Bits #5
Welcome to my latest Best Bit, part of my series to celebrate half a million downloads for The Happy Menopause podcast, and the chance for you to catch up on some of the brilliant episodes you may have missed. This edition focuses on vaginal dr...

Travel, Adventure & the Midlife Woman, with Alice Morrison, Adventurer, Author & Broadcaster. S5. Ep. 14
Are you ready for an adventure? Midlife is a time when we can get itchy feet and want to explore new horizons, but sometimes niggling doubts and a lack of confidence can get in the way of that. So in this episode, I’m chatting to adventurer Ali...
Season 5
Episode 14

How to Manage Anxiety & Enhance Emotional Wellbeing with Rachel Weiss, Accredited Counsellor & Coach - Best Bits #4
Welcome to my latest Best Bit, part of my series to celebrate half a million downloads for The Happy Menopause podcast and the chance for you to catch up on some of the brilliant episodes you may have missed. This edition focuses on anx...

Emotional Eating, Body Image & the Menopause, with Dr. Romi Ran, Clinical Psychologist & Author. S5. Ep.13
Our relationship with food can be complex and it’s very often determined by a whole host of different experiences. Some of us might describe ourselves as emotional eaters and find that this can get in the way of a healthy lifestyle, affecting o...
Season 5
Episode 13

How to Have Great Hair with Dr Sharon Wong, Consultant Dermatologist & Hair Specialist - Best Bits #3
Welcome to my latest Best Bit, part of my series to celebrate half a million downloads for The Happy Menopause podcast and to give you the chance to catch up on some of the brilliant episodes you may have missed. We’re looking back ...

Pilates at Your Desk: How to Move More in Menopause, with Kerrie-Anne Bradley, Pilates Teacher & Author. S5. Ep. 12.
Are you a sloucher? Do you spend too much time pinned to your desk? Have you started to get a few niggles in your lower back, neck or shoulders? If it’s yes to all of the above, this episode is the one for you, because it’s all about posture, m...
Season 5
Episode 12

How to Improve Your Sleep with Professor Russell Foster, Circadian Neuroscientist - Best Bits #2
Welcome to another of my Best Bits to celebrate the amazing milestone of 500,000 downloads for The Happy Menopause podcast. This time, I’m diving right back into the archive to Season 1 for this one, because my chat about sleep with...

How to Build Strength in Your Bones & Muscles in Mid- and Later Life with Dr Catherine Walter - Best Bits #1
This is the first of a series of Best Bits to celebrate the amazing milestone of 500,000 downloads. Huge thanks to all of you for making this possible by listening!Looking back over the past 5 seasons, there are so many great moments of ...